At Little Croft Care Home we are a residential care home that recognises the importance of treating individuals with respect and dignity at all stages of life. 


Ageism can sometimes be an ingrained response stemming from societal norms and cultural influences. By understanding how ageism manifests, we can work together to combat it. Our commitment to providing compassionate care means challenging ageist attitudes and ensuring that every resident receives the respect and dignity they deserve, regardless of age.

What is Ageism?


Ageism refers to the prejudice or discrimination against individuals based on their age, particularly targeting older adults, which permeates various aspects of their lives. It can manifest in various forms, including but not limited to, exclusion from opportunities, unequal treatment in healthcare, employment discrimination, and social marginalisation. Ageism can be considered an unconscious bias, with many people not realising their actions or words can sometimes be considered ageist.


How Does Ageism Affect the Elderly?



There are many ways that ageism can become apparent when it comes to healthcare. Firstly, it can sometimes affect treatment decisions, elderly people visiting a doctor to complain of an ailment may not get all of the treatment options that someone younger may receive. Treatable illnesses have also in certain cases been wrongly dismissed as general symptoms of ageing.


Institutional ageism can also negatively affect communications between elderly people and healthcare professionals. A recent study has found that 25% of people over 50 have experienced ageism in a healthcare setting. Of this group, 29% would rate their general health as poor in comparison to the 24% who have not reported being at the receiving end of ageism. 


Ageism can also have negative impacts in a care setting which can lead to neglect and inadequate care. Don’t let this put you off residential care homes though, it is just important to do your research and find a home that values each of its residents and provides a comfortable and respectful environment. At Little Croft, we pride ourselves on exactly that, commitment to welfare is at the forefront of our care philosophy. You can find out more about this commitment in our resident’s charter.   


Unfortunately, more and more people are having to continue working for longer to live comfortably. It is estimated that around 15% of workplace discrimination is age related. This can be shown in ways like a general undermining of skills and ability, differing redundancy terms for different ages, and it can lead to difficulty getting hired.


Employment ageism can be hard to quantify and it is difficult to understand other factors that may be in play for employment decisions. But, if you feel like you’ve encountered prejudice in the workplace, or if it is something you have seen in your workplace, then it is good to understand the laws around this form of marginalisation.  


Representation in the Media

Ageist stereotypes can be perpetuated in the media, with older adults portrayed as frail, incompetent, or out of touch, reinforcing negative stereotypes and marginalising older individuals in popular culture. This, in turn, can make people subconsciously more likely to adopt a more ageist point of view. 


There are a wide variety of ways that society upholds a level of prejudice against the elderly, it is important to understand this so that we can work together to remove it from our culture. At Little Croft, we put the well-being and dignity of our residents first. If you’re looking for a home where you or your loved one can be cared for, yet maintain their independence, then get in contact with us today.