Loneliness among elderly people is a serious issue. According to Age UK there are over 2 million people over the age of 75 who live alone, and over half of these people say that they may go a month without speaking to friends or family.

Lack of opportunities to socialise is not only damaging for a person emotionally but also from a health perspective. At Little Croft Care Home we understand the importance of socialisation and the damage that can come from long term isolation.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Regular conversations increase a hormone that reduces anxiety called oxytosin and can make people feel more confident when coping with stressful situations. This is especially beneficial for those with dementia as memory loss is a frustrating and confusing experience.

Social interaction also increases feelings of self worth which can be a great benefit in terms of mental health. Socialisation has actually been observed as the most effective way of improving the mental health of seniors

At Little Croft Care home we encourage friendships to blossom and your loved one will never have to go a day without chatting to other residents or staff.

socialisation in care home

Positive Impact on Mood

Socialisation makes people feel good. At Little Croft our residents are welcome to participate in social activities as much or as little as they would like. Understandably, it can be overwhelming for someone who has previously experienced a certain level of isolation to feel uncomfortable around other people. This is why if ever anything feels like too much, your loved one will be able to relax in their own private room. Residents get the right amount of socialisation to keep them happy, as well as the freedom to choose when they have had enough.

Gently increasing the time spent socialising can be a huge all round mood booster and greatly increase the wellbeing of your loved one.

Increase in Self-esteem and Self-worth

It is proven that positive social interactions can positively affect self-esteem and self-worth for people of all ages. This works as a positive loop as positive social interaction boosts self-esteem which in turn increases the quality of a person’s relationships. At Little Croft Care Home we have a friendly atmosphere and encourage healthy socialisation and friendships, not only among our residents, but also with the staff.


Good for the Brain 

Studies have shown that cognitive ability in seniors declines 70% slower for those that frequent social interactions as a pose to those that do not. So keeping social keeps the brain healthy. Talking to a variety of people on a regular basis is mentally stimulating and keeps the brain’s neural pathways active, this sharpens memory and cognitive skills.

Loneliness in elderly people is a real issue and can lead to deterioration in mental and physical health. Little Croft Care Home is the perfect place for your loved one to foster positive and meaningful relationships and get the amount of social interaction necessary to stay happy and healthy.

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