Residents Charter

Little Croft Care Home’s commitment to you

At Little Croft Care Home, we place the rights and welfare of our residents at the forefront of our philosophy of care. We seek to advance these rights in all aspects of the services and of the environment we provide. It is the policy that our residential home will seek to provide quality personal care which recognises the rights of an individual.

The daily running of our home is administered by our Registered Manager, Carol Evans. However, all other support staff are fully trained to the highest standards and attend mandatory training as required by the Care Quality Commission Regulations. We also provide further training sessions on specific care related issues (e.g. deep cleaning guidance), to ensure all our staff exceed expectations.

Resident’s Charter of Rights

This Charter is a declaration of the rights of residents of Little Croft Care Home and of the duty of care this home carries to ensure these rights are protected.

Good quality care and life experience, and the rights of residents, centre around six basic areas:

The Six Basic Rights of Residents


– Residents will be involved, and the most significant voice, in all decisions affecting their lives, to the precise extent they choose.

– Residents will be assumed to be capable of making choices about the way they live and what they do (eg. managing their own financial affairs, deciding what activities to pursue and when, etc.), including taking the risks sometimes associated with such choices.

– Residents will be able to choose where they live and with whom, and will be able to choose to change if they wish subject to availability.

– Residents will be able to choose their own doctor, dentist, chiropodist, optician, etc.

– Residents will be able to choose whether or not to accept treatment and attention offered, whether by their Doctor, etc., or by the staff of this Home.

– Residents will be able to choose with whom they associate, both within and outside the care home. This will include other residents, friends, and relatives, and where in the care home they wish to spend their time (ie. in the common areas or their rooms).

– Residents will be involved in the choice of décor and furnishings for their accommodation, whenever this is being changed (from a reasonable range of choice provided by the Directors).


– Residents will be entitled to private accommodation. This will be a single room, according to the resident’s choice, but, in all circumstances, this will mean an entitlement to use this space as and when they wish, subject only to consideration of other residents, to invite such guests as they wish, and for belongings to be secure.

– Residents will be entitled to entertain visitors (including Doctors, etc) in private.

– Residents will be entitled to expect confidentiality in all matters, and for their permission to be obtained whenever private information needs to be made available to others (excepting only that information which is necessary to staff to provide proper care).



– Residents may expect to be treated with dignity in the way in which staff deal with dressing, bathing, feeding, incontinence (and any other needs).

– Residents may expect to be addressed in the manner they choose (i.e. Miss/Mr/Mrs or by first name or familiar name).

– Residents may expect to be afforded the respect deserved by any individual, for their individuality, their views, and for any way in which they are accustomed to conduct their lives.

– Residents may expect to be consulted on any matter or activity which may impinge upon their life within the care home in any way, and to have their wishes respected. In particular, this may include any other activity carried-on at the care home (such as day care, fund-raising activities, coffee mornings, etc).



– Residents should expect to be able to follow the lifestyle they choose and are accustomed to, to the extent they wish and are able, irrespective of residing in a care home.

– Residents should expect to be able to use the facilities of the home as they choose and are able.

– Residents should expect the facilities of the care home to accommodate their needs (without necessary dependence on others) in relation to mobility, necessary adaptations, space, furniture, etc., whilst recognising that available staff assistance may have formed part of the reasons for entering the care home, yet respecting the resident’s right to accept or refuse such assistance.

– Residents should expect to be able to retain independence of action, thought and choice, irrespective of the accepted routine or administrative practices of the care home.



– Residents should expect their quality of life to be enhanced by admission to this care home, by the provision of a safe, manageable and comfortable environment, and the stimulation and encouragement to pursue their lives to the maximum chosen physical, intellectual, emotional and social capacity.

– Residents should expect there to be facilities and assistance to pursue their chosen lifestyle to the fullest possible extent, including availability of and encouragement to use opportunities, and necessary assistance to allow them to use such opportunities.

– Residents should expect to be able to review their own situation, at their own request or when requested by any others, and to have the assistance of anyone they choose to assist them to do this.


Residents Rights

– Residents should expect to retain all the rights enjoyed by individuals remaining in their own homes in the community, irrespective of their residence in a Care Home, and, together with the Resident (and any representative), The Home should safeguard such Rights and/or be prepared to join with the Resident to protect them.

– Residents should expect to have their cultural and religious practices and beliefs observed and respected.

– Residents should expect to have a written contract, agreeing the terms and conditions of residence, services and fees.

– Residents should expect to have a trial period in the care home, of at least four weeks’ duration (without disadvantage to either side), before decisions are made about long-term residence.

– Residents should expect to have access to an explained complaints procedure, which should include a reasonable means of complaint within the care home, and beyond this to the Registering Authority.

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Little Croft Care Home, 44 Barry Road, Oldland Common, Bristol, BS30 6QY

[email protected]

Little Croft Care Home, 44 Barry Road, Oldland Common, Bristol, BS30 6QY

[email protected]


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