We understand that you may have many questions when you or a loved one are considering a care home. Our helpful and knowledgeable team are here to offer you free advice on finding the right home, care types and funding advice. We have listed below the most frequently asked questions which may answer some of your queries.

What is a Residential Care Home?

Residential Care Homes are dedicated to providing accommodation, meals and personal care for those who are finding it difficult to cope at home. We like to see this as ‘a home from home’ with the benefit of 24 hour quality care.

Why move into a Residential Care Home?

Moving into Residential Care needs a lot of thought. It has many advantages such as being provided with high quality personal care, greater security and the companionship of other residents.

The first step?

If the fees will be paid by you (ie. no funding from Social Services), then you can contact the Home directly. If you have decided that you like the Home, an assessment will be made as to the needs of the prospective client to determine whether we can cater for his or her needs and offer the right kind of care. If on the other hand, you are asking for funding from the local authority for all or part of the fees, you should approach your GP, your local Social Services Department or a designated care manager if one has been appointed. They will carry out an assessment of client needs, also determining whether the client would qualify for funding from Social Services. However, please feel free to contact the Home for further information and/or assistance.

What do the fees cover?

The fees vary according to the clients’ individual needs. Our fees cover the accommodation, meals and 24-hour qualified care from Little Croft’s qualified staff. In contacting the Manager of the respective Home, you can be advised about any additional items or services which may be available at an additional cost, for example, hairdresser, chiropodist, opticians etc.

Can a residential home provide for someone diagnosed with dementia?

As a Residential Care Home, we can provide for someone with ‘mild’ dementia. In addition, our care home is a home for life. If we admit a loved one whose health declines and is in the scope of advanced dementia or nursing, we will endeavour to meet their needs and maintain the care for as long as we can, together with the help and support of outside specialists or professional bodies.

Does the Home have an ‘open door’ policy?

Covid restriction aside, yes our Home does have an ‘open door’ policy which means that the residents can accept visitors when they please. The Home can also accommodate the resident’s visitors for a meal. However, the Home would require prior notice to be able to accommodate this request.

Do you offer Short Term Care?

Yes respite care can be provided. This is essentially short-term care which may be useful as a ‘holiday break’ for the prospective resident, or to cater for times when the prospective residents personal carer may be unavailable for a short period of time.

Can I personalise my own room?

We encourage our residents to bring personal items with them, including certain items of furniture, to help their room feel like home. Furniture has to meet fire and health and safety regulations, so we ask you to discuss this with the Home Manager before moving in.

What is a personal care plan and how ‘personal’ is it?

It is completely individual, and covers your physical, mental and emotional needs – every aspect of your life from personal care to activities. We begin to develop it before you move in, and it is updated monthly. We use an electronic care plan which records in real time, making vital information instantly accessible and giving the care teams more time to spend with you.

Is there a choice of food?

The daily menu is available in advance for you to choose from. If you do not like anything on the menu on a particular day, we can prepare something else. We cater for food allergies (gluten, dairy, nuts etc), and also for a range of diets relating to any medical conditions that our residents may have (ie. needing a purée diet). If we know what you need, we will cater for it.

Do health professionals like dentists, opticians, chiropodists and physiotherapists visit regularly?

The Home has a range of professionals who visit. Dentistry and opticians are NHS funded. Other treatments, like chiropody and physiotherapy are charged at cost, and are not included in your fees.

How will I know whether you offer the right level of care for me?

You will have a pre-assessment conducted by the Home Manager or Deputy Manager, so that we fully understand your situation and needs. This will include talking to you and your family members, as well as looking at your care needs assessment. We will only offer you a home if we know we can meet your care needs. If you move in and your needs develop beyond what we can support, we will help you to find a new home.

I have always been active, I am worried that I might get bored. What is there for me to do?

This is a key part of your personal care plan, and our activities teams will work with you 1:1 to find out what you are interested in, as well as organising a busy timetable of group activities and entertainments. We will also help you to get as much physical activity as you are able to, depending on what you enjoy doing.

I’m quite well at the moment, but just don’t want to live alone. Will you be able to look after me if I start needing more care?

Yes, whatever needs you have, you can be reassured that we will take care of you.

What kind of training do your staff have?

All of our committed and skilled staff receive regular training to ensure they are up-to-date, and our homes have in-house training managers. Training ranges from statutory requirements to specialist training for end-of-life care.

Is it OK for my family to take me out for the day?

If you are able to get out and about, and want to go, then of course! It is helpful if they let the Home Manager know in advance, so we can help make sure you are ready.

Are you signed up to cqc?

Yes and you can view our report at https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-9792557127/resources

I hate being rushed in the mornings and like to eat my breakfast on my own. Will I have to go to a dining room?

We will find out how you prefer your morning routine and will bring your breakfast to you in your room if you prefer. You will be welcome to join us in the dining room any time if you change your mind.

Is there parking for visitors?

There is parking outside the front of the home. Be aware that it is on a first come, first served basis and may be full at busy times.

What do I need to bring with me when I come to stay?

Current medication in original boxes. Toiletries and clothes are all you are required to bring with you, however any other personal possessions you wish to bring. You are not required to bring bed linen or towels, however if you wish to bring your own you are more than welcome. 

Are you signed up to www.carehome.co.uk?

Yes and we currently hold a score of 10/10 from independent reviews from relatives, the highest rating a care home can achieve.

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Little Croft Care Home, 44 Barry Road, Oldland Common, Bristol, BS30 6QY

[email protected]

Little Croft Care Home, 44 Barry Road, Oldland Common, Bristol, BS30 6QY

[email protected]


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